No.1 - Eight Year Plan: The Dream & The History

The dream; to be settled with a husband, house and at least one child by the time I’m thirty. This has been the dream since I was young. My parents got married in their early twenties and had two children before they were thirty. I am very fortunate with the way I have been brought up and I guess putting these factors together has influenced my goal. Don’t get me wrong, of course I still want to do all the ‘fun stuff’ you’re meant to do when you’re a young adult; go travelling, see the world, stay up until the early hours of the morning (not that I don’t currently do this!), go on more girly holidays and gain some more life skills, but with my dream and The Eight Year Plan only giving me a few years to find ‘the one’, my thoughts are often strayed.
My love life. Hmm, well in primary school you could say I was lucky! I probably had about five different boyfriends each week who I was two-timing with five other boys from down the road, but as I got older, my luck started to shrink. You could ask any of the other girls and they would probably all say I haven’t had the best luck in love. Going from the one hundred and forty two boyfriends I had in primary school, I only had one during my secondary education and teenage life. You’re probably expecting me to say I was with him for at least a year and it was young love but unfortunately, this was only a month long relationship when I was fourteen, which was egged on by my friends.
I turned eighteen (still single) and got into university. I can probably vouch for most single girls that moved away for university when I say that one of the thoughts that went through my head was ‘maybe I’ll meet my future husband/Mr Right during my studies?’ Well, I’m nearing the end of my course now and guess what….STILL SINGLE!
As the saying goes ‘you have to kiss some frogs before you find your prince’ and there have been plenty of frogs during the past few years to talk about, there has even been a man I thought was my prince but that story is for another day. I guess it is all part of The Eight Year Plan though, the break ups and the dating/half single lifestyle; you have to find out what isn’t good for you and what to avoid, to realise what you want and when you’ve found that other half that will help you complete The Eight Year Plan and hopefully, the rest of your life.
No.1 x
@8yearplan #eightyearplan 


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