No. 4 - The Eight Year Plan: CRAZY DOG LADY

I'm a blogging Virgin. I've never written a blog and quite honestly I don't read them. So when the 8 year plan came about I was pretty sceptical on whether I'd actually write something. But here I am. Well done me! It's funny how I'm blogging my aims and plans for the next 8 years, yet I am one of the most unorganised, scatty individuals you will meet. The thought of having my next meal planned out is a little taxing, let alone a year by year, detailed plan of my life! I do quite fancy the though of marriage by the time I'm 30, but that is all and fuck knows how I'm going to get there!

I'll start by boring you with a little background info. I've got a boyfriend, I'm a student, I'm a little overweight and I'm a country bumpkin and proud. My best friend is my dog and I spent most of my early childhood in waterproof, poo stained overalls chasing after my disobedient pony.

My first experience of relationships and boys was in my early teens. I was quite content with rural life until I got to secondary school. Having hobbies and passions wasn't cool..wearing wellies was definitely not cool. And having a slight hint of horse shit on your clothes was out of the question (I had to muck out my horse before I went to school every morning ok!). Having a boyfriend however was totally cool. Boys were always my friends (or enemies!) during my primary years and then everything changed. Whilst my friends flirted outrageously with testosterone filled skinny runts, I was fighting the urge to follow suit or to listen to my gut and carry on being me. Now I wish I had stuck to my guns but the need to fit in made me become a sheep. I was now wearing a heavily padded bra and a mismatched concealer. I tried the whole flirting thing for a while but love never blossomed, which may have been down to my unkept hair, chubby man outline and prominent braces. I gave up. From then on, having a boyfriend was out of the question. Who would want a spotty man beast as their soulmate?

Well 7 years later I have finally found someone to take up the role as 'boyfriend to the crazy dog lady' and so far so good. Don't get me wrong there's been a hell of a lot of shit in between (I'll divulge into that at a later stage of my blogging career), but at the moment I'm pretty content with life.
The eight year plan however terrifies me. Unlike some of my fellow eight year planners, I'm reluctant to show any form of commitment and the thought of spending the rest of my life with one person is a scary thought. I'm only 21..what's the rush!

No.4 x

@8yearplan #eightyearplan 


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