No. 3 - The Eight Year Plan: The Serial Monogamist

So this is me. Relationship-wise I could probably be referred to as a serial monogamist but I would have to disagree. I can’t deny that in the last 5 and a half years I have been single (completely without seeing someone, texting or having a guy around) for as little as 9 weeks, but this is utterly unintentional as there was no way I was looking for a relationship so soon after a break up… but maybe it just comes down to that girly question of “Why do you only find love when you’re not looking?”

Zero to Seventeen: I was a chubby verging on fat child who always wanted a boyfriend but during this time I had nothing really that serious. There were a few month relationships every now and again, and then a few more casual things during my 15/16/17 year old house party, stay out all night phase but nothing too dramatic feelings wise.

Seventeen to Twenty One: I had wanted a proper boyfriend forever and he was four years older so things moved pretty quickly. I became one of those relationship people who accidentally phases out all of their friends and all of a sudden we spent all of our time together. Nine months in and ‘I knew’ that he was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and on our one year anniversary (yes, I was eighteen) we got engaged. Our families were happy for us – presents, cards, wedding fairs– and everything seemed exciting and I was oblivious to many things which steadily progressed through the 4 years and I finally escaped. (Another blog to follow on this for sure.)

Twenty One to Now (Twenty Three): Two months into my new found love for being single and free and independent and living by myself and having no one to report back to I had a house party, inviting all my favourite university people (including the new guy on our course).
It was one of those situations where we had all discussed and stalked him but barely really spoken to him in real life. We bonded over the terribleness of the ‘Top 40s’ playlist I had created to keep everyone happy and then two weeks later he asked me on an official date. Things continued but I was adamant that I did not want a relationship – telling all of my friends it was just a sex thing (I knew it wasn’t).

After about six months of this I gave up the denial. Almost two years later (and despite my reoccurring phobia that my feelings will change or his loveliness will change or that it will turn into another disaster situation), everything still feels pretty wonderful and new.

With regards to ‘The Eight Year Plan’ it is scary but very exciting to have absolutely no idea where I’ll be  living and what I’ll be doing, but maybe it will all just fall into place.

No. 3 

@8yearplan #eightyearplan 


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