In 2011, age 18, I moved to university and so did my
boyfriend. Mutually we decided to end things to explore single life, both in
brand new cities, and begin a new adventure singularly. As well as the stress
of living with in a new city, new housemates and a new course, I had to do this
without the one person who has helped me through everything! HOW DO YOU ACT
SINGLE!? With no experience of this throughout my teenage years, I was clueless
and extremely useless!
Three and a half years on, with many one night flings, messy
short term flings and constant heart ache, I find myself in my last year of
university, age 22, 2015. I guess for me I have always had an image of being
married with a child on the way at the age of 30. The struggle to get to this
involves so much more than anything I could have ever imagined. Since my
parent’s separation in 2009, I have changed profoundly. From a shy, loved-up,
carefree teenager, with no real grasp on the ‘real world’ I sit here today 1
stone heavier, still single. Heart-break, a cold exterior, a wall built so high
that nobody can get through and commitment phobia are all characteristics which
I cannot seem to shake. In 8 short years I’m meant to find the person I love
and be married with children!? Is marriage even worth it if 40-60% of marriages
end in divorce? Will I even be able to have children? Will I even be able to
love anyone? Or will anyone love me? These are all questions which arise daily
on my journey through the eight year plan.
No. 6
@8yearplan #eightyearplan
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