Eight Girls, Twelve Questions

So you're reading blog entries about eight girls but what do you actually know about us? Following our introductory blogs we thought we'd all contribute some basic questions that you might want answered. The rules we've followed; ask any question/s you want and answer as many as you can in as much detail as you decide. No doubt some of the answers will be explained in future blog posts! Enjoy and feel free to ask us more!

1) How old are you?
1- 21
2- 22
3- 23
4- 21
5- 20! (I'm the baby)
6- 22
7-21 (but only for another week!)

2) Are you single?
1- Yes, as you probably guessed from my first post; 'The Dream & The History'.
2- For once... nope!
3- Nope, happily not
4- No
5- Nope far from! Engaged And Happy
6- YES!
7- Yes.. but no but yes (slight commitment issues)
8- No, currently dealing with the 'long distance' relationship.

3) How long have you been with your other half?
1- Still single....no other half, just the 9758382nd tub of ice cream, my duvet and a chick flick..
2- Coming up to 3 terrifying but fun months
3- Two years and a few days
4- Around a year
5- 5 years, 5 months, 3 weeks 2 days... minus a couple of melt downs
6- This question does not apply to me!
7- a month (ish..)
8- give or take 3 and a half years.

4) What is the best date you have ever been on?
1- Tricky question! I'm stuck between two! In 2013 the man I was seeing (lets call him Charlie), came to visit me at university for the weekend. He knew the area well so he had planned our evening. He took me to an amazing steak house for dinner and ordered me endless glasses of wine. We then went to a bar on the sea front for a few more drinks and sat in this beautiful outdoor area with fairy lights and candles. What topped it off was the amazing singer/guitarist that was playing acoustic music in the background! A bar or two later and I met his friends for the first time who were all lovely and welcoming (and I think they liked me too!!). I woke up the next morning fully clothed, with a hangover but I couldn't stop smiling. The other date was a first date. The first date with my ex (he can be called Rob). We went to London for the day. We started at the Zoo which was great and luckily the weather was fab! Rob then took me for probably the most expensive meal I have ever eaten in an amazing glass roof/walled restaurant. I had an unexpectedly lovely day and left London feeling pretty smitten!
2- Probably my last first date. We got really drunk, ended up in a gay club, danced all night and had crazy sex whilst the sun came up. All 7 of my housemates heard #awks.
3- Pretty cliche but probably my first date with Mark. He phoned me up specially (to make it formal enough) to invite me for drinks. Lovely cocktails by the harbour, outdoor heaters, musicians and very chilled chats. Slightly tipsy we went went back to mine, snuggled up on the sofa and I mistakenly let him choose the film from my selection (he chose the very boring High Fidelity). But the cuddles were toooo lovely and I must have fallen asleep on his shoulder. To this day he thinks this is very cute, but I think it was quite rude of me after he had treated me to such an evening! Ooops, but clearly didn't put him off.
4- After only talking to him for a couple of weeks, the dreaded valentines day arrived. I had never spent valentines day with someone before so when he suggested we spend the weekend together I panicked and came up with a million and one excuses. I still can't think of anything worse than being packed into a heaving restaurant full of love sick puppies, tacky red roses and heart shaped balloons; so when he said he had a surprise for the evening I was either expecting the horrendous restaurant scenario or some 50 shades of grey kinky stuff. Luckily it was neither and instead I was treated to tickets to see the lion king. I'm not sure what impressed me more; the fact he had called in a number of favours to get the tickets for me or the fact he agreed to 2 hours of Disney songs and people running around in animal costumes. I will never forget that day and he doesn't let me forget it either!
5- Our dates have only recently come about. Back in our teens there were a lot of house party smooches after our first sips of alcohol had gotten us fully whammed, or the casual 'you going up park, yeah?'. I wouldn't count these first encounters with my future husband 'dates'. And since then, as we grew up there have been many lovely times together, locally and abroad. But still, probably not a 'date'. I think our dates, in the true sense, have only been since living apart (that huge distance of 30 miles), connecting again over a baked Camembert in our local, and favourite, gastro pub (Or anywhere that does Camembert and paté, we're not that fussy). Any evening spent excitedly planning our future in front of a fire, with some good food in front of us and that lovely glowy feeling of knowing the future is ahead of us. And boasting to each other about how successful we are, too. That competitive side will be another blog post.
6- Bloody hell. I am a bit of a date scrooge. My favourite date would probably have to be when my ex took me to see my favourite ballet (which he hates), followed by rampant sex. Simple.
7- I could talk about dates with pink champagne and rose petals but my best/favourite date wasn't really a proper date. I was going through a bit of a (cringe but going to say it anyway..) 'bad boy' phase. But when you're out and about at midnight with a bad boy and it ends with a dramatic drenched notebook style kiss in the rain you know they're not so bad after all. I usually cringe out at anything like that but when you're in that moment you wouldn't wish for any more!
8- When I think of 'my best date' my mind thinks back to all the lovely restaurants, cinema trips and movie nights over the past few years. To pin point my 'best' date is difficult. The annual university summer ball was not technically a date but we spent the entire night together and I had an amazing time... It was an opportunity to get dressed up, drink, dance and watch some great live music. I think a 'best date' is a feeling rather than an an experience.

5) What is the worst date you have ever been on?
1- I have never really had a bad experience on a first date but about two weeks ago I as on a first date with a man (Tim). We had been for dinner and then decided to go for a drive, he parked up on the sea front and we were just sat in the car chatting. He had left the radio on...we went to drive somewhere else and his car wouldn't start...the battery had died! He had to call his friends to come and save him and 20 minutes later I was sat in the car with 6 men and 2 loud revvy boy engine cars surrounding me! They finally got it working and when Tim got back in the car I just laughed to save the awkward embarrassment.
2- Tbh I've never really had a stereotypical bad date. Just a lot of bog standard, boring 'nandos and cinema' types that never really seemed to impress. Wonder why.
3- There are probably quite a few 'worst date' scenarios from my history of secondary school and my 'desperate' years. I dated plenty of gingers (not that I have a problem with ginger people now I promise!), short nerds and general weirdos. One date that resounds though consisted of being 14, meeting up in the bus station and walking round the lake in the cold and wind. Then deciding it would be a good idea to sit down and 'snog' (HATE that word but it is definitely appropriate here) for about an hour. Fabulous time of my life.
4- I've had very little dating experience but one that sticks out as particularly horrific is when I went for a drink with a guy during sixth form. I met two of his ex 'regulars' and an ex girlfriend in the space of an hour. Wonderful.
5- This was during one of mine and my man's 'we were on a break' moments (there have been three ranging from 3 days to 7 weeks, during which time we saw each other, talked to each other, and had a secret kiss every single day anyway). We both 'saw' someone else in a 17 year old "I don't care about you anyway" sort of attitude (follow huge heartbreak, trust issues and melt down, not to be recommended). This guy was the dick of our sixth form, held back a year, rude and up himself. I went out with him because he shouted 'shot gun' when he heard me tell friends I was 'single'. To an upset 17 year old with a bit of a thing for saving the bad ass, 'shot gun' was apparently flattering. We went to an expensive tapas restaurant in Exeter, which he didn't understand or want to pay for. We ordered 1 tapas each and did not share, left hungry, and ate a subway in his car, in a graffiti ridden carpark. The romantic, get to know each other in the car in the rain chat was about how he had purposefully slept with a girl in my year in front of his then girlfriend, in his then girlfriend's bed. Top Chap.
6- I've never really done the dating thing. Awkward conversations over a pretentious dinner are not really my thing. So probably have to be when I went out with an old friend over Christmas and it was like being in an interview!
7- This wasn't even a date, which makes it x100 worse. Don't get me wrong, I like football. I go and watch football, I'm interested in football, HOWEVER.. I am not interested in going for a 'romantic' weekend to a famous northern seaside town to watch a football match AND stay right opposite the bloody stadium. This was not even a date, it lasted 42 hours and contributed to one of the many reasons that there is now an 'ex' in front of boyfriend. Why do men get football and spa weekends confused?
8- I guess the worst date would be the date I did not even realise I was on! What I assumed to be two friends going for a shopping trip and lunch in Bristol was in his eyes an actual first date! Whooops!

6) How many guys (with a romantic interest) have met your parents?
1- 2
2- 3, 1 however was a complete accidental meeting on the staircase as I tried to sneak him out, oops.
3- 5ish
4- 2 (one of which my mum practically bullied out of the house. Now I look back and thank her but at the time she was at the top of the 'most hated' list).
5- 2 have met mother, only fiancé has met my dad.
6- 1
7- 2
8- 3

7) Have you ever stood someone up or been stood up?
1- I don't think so!
2- On a fair few occasions I may have accidentally forgotten to show up.
3-  Nooo, far too mean
4- No, but I've been exceptionally late a fair few times which is often seen as a lack of effort!
5- Not yet!
6- No, but it would be funny if they were a horrible person!
7- No - who does that!
8- No!

8) What is your funniest/most awkward sexual experience?
1- I once got my hair caught in the air vent by my bed. Luckily it was with a guy (Max) who I knew quite well so it was just laughed off.
2- I broke his banjo. Enough said.
3- I remember waking up in a garage after a house party. I was fully dressed, laid very close to several other girls who had also crashed there. In my daze of semi still drunkness I feel this weight lie itself down above me (I was on a sofa so it was a kind of pile on situation). Opening my eyes I see the guy who I clearly wanted to kiss all night but who hadn't seemed interested. He begins kissing me, I definitely kiss back (despite the gross morning alcohol breath) and yeah his hands continue downwards. On reflection this was probably my first orgasm, there were people sleeping nearby and he clearly didn't get lucky the night before so took me as second best.
4- I was in Rome and during the 'post sex naked slump on the bed time' the concierge decided to walk right in. Queue fight for the nearest pillow to cover our modesty. Unfortunately for me, I was too slow for the pillow so I decided to do a tactical 'flop down the side of the bed and hide' manoeuvre, however I failed to realise my bare white arse was still very high in the air.
5- Without a slither of doubt, when my 13 year old brother walked in on me giving my chap a blowjob. There was zero chance that kiddo didn't get a full view of fully naked man, plus the back of sister's bobbing head. Neither of us realised, so it wasn't even 'walking in' of the rushed bed covers variety, it was practically porn. Let's hope that one doesn't come up in the wedding speech.
6- I am haunted by 2 horrendous experiences - both with my ex! Thinking his parents were away for the weekend, we decided to be a bit more adventurous and have sex in the shower. Little did we know his parents came back early and when we had finished we walked out of the shower upstairs (completely butt naked) for his parents to see EVERYTHING. There is something about your boyfriend's parents seeing you naked which will haunt you forever!
7- Not sure what was worse, very awkward drunk sex with a guy with very little knowledge of the English language, or him having to explain how the condom split OR having to go to a pharmacy in the smallest most deserted European village and try to translate/act out/attempt to explain how I needed the morning after pill the next day...
8- A drunken night out leads to sex on the floor in the lounge under a skimpy blanket... Que mother walking in after HER drunken night out and PULLING ON THE BLANKET thinking I was on my own not infact butt naked stradelling my boyfriend. So awkward! The memory still makes my toes curl.

9) When was your first proper kiss (more than a cheeky peck)?
1- When I was 10 in the swimming pool changing rooms (don't worry I wasn't naked) with two of my friends stood on watching - CRINGE!
2- It was in year 6 and I was dared to touch tongues with my 10 year old boyfriend in front of pretty much my entire class. I was grossed out.
3- Year 7 when I was 11 or 12 in a DT class, how inappropriate.
4- 14 at a Bacardi Breezer fuelled camp out.
5- When I was 14, I had two months with a very pushy boyfriend who clearly thought I could be put to good use by being his practice dummy for all first clumsy encounters. There was a lot of awkward groping, and it was not enjoyable. I had previously been the prudish cheeky peck variety.
6- Year 5 - under the table when everyone else was watching toy story. Safe to say we weren't very sly and got caught out by the teacher! Ooops.
7- Year 8 after the standard arm stretch at the cinema..
8- Year 9, under the covers at my boyfriends house as Shakira was playing in the background. LOL.

10) Flowers or chocolate?
1- Flowers, I eat chocolate too often so it wouldn't mean much!
2- Definitely chocolate, we can get high and eat them all after, perfect! I'm an accidental flower killer.
3- Flowers for sure.
4- ABSOLUTELY FLOWERS. Self confessed flower snob. Get those carnations away from me!
5-  Flowers, every time.
6- CHOCOLATE! For I am a huge chocolate monster!
7- Flowers - ALL DAY EVERY DAY
8- Flowers... but not of the supermarket variety please!

11) What is your ideal valentines date?
1- I love good surprises! So it would have to be something that included a bit of a surprise. Something pretty romantic and cheesy would go down well though, whether it be a meal or a walk or a trip or even just a night in.
2- Lots of sex, alcohol and food.
3- Something involving an adventure, preferably by the seaside or coast I think!
4- A last minute, spontaneous getaway adventure that includes copious amounts of alcohol and delicious food.
5- I cannot wait for next valentines day, when we will be in our first home together. Red wine, fiancé cooking, dimmed lights, candles, massage oils at the ready, soft music, alone time.
6- Pizza. Oh and chocolate. Lets throw some wine in there too.
7- Definitely a surprise with a sense of a adventure - something personal.
8- I agree with 7!

12) Who is your celebrity crush?
1- Good question! I don't really have a particular crush but I find all the obvious answers pretty hot! So all of the below (probably!).
2- Hands down Tom Hardy, even as Bane in Batman. Especially as Bane in Batman.
3- I'm definitely straight I promise but I'm sure I'm a lot more inclined to have women celebrity crushes rather than male. Lets go for Mila Kunis and Zooey Deschanel.
4- Mark Wahlberg during his 'Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch' stage. Oh and Leonardo DiCaprio. Oh and a large selection of professional rugby players.
5- Ryan Gosling. I frequently tell the fiancé they look identical and, bless him, he believes me.
6- Zac Efron was always my favourite, but recently Jamie Dornan (50 shades of grey) is quite possibly taking the front line.
7- I have way too many, although I think I fall for the characters more - I just love Allen Leech who plays Tom Branson in Downton Abbey! Obviously David Beckham and too many other footballers to mention...
8- I love all the obvious (Ryan Gosling, Ben Affleck, Zac Efron, David Beckham, Leonardo Dicaprio etc) but I also have a soft spot for the less obvious... Patrick J Adams (Suits) Matthew Grey Gubler (Criminal Minds) and, obviously: Prince Harry. (Safe to say I do not have a 'type'). 


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