10 Things to Miss and Not Miss About Living at University

Things I'll Miss


Things I Won't Miss

1. Mark and myself living in our own places.

All of that extra space and freedom of choosing to spend the night together or apart. And who's to stay at... And doing our own cleaning and tidying (mostly - expect for when his flat reaches a level of untidiness that I cannot relax in). 

1. Reappearing crumbs along with grated cheese on the kitchen sides.

Make a cup of tea, quickly wipe the sides down to diminish the crumbs and cheese, go upstairs to do some work, make another cup of tea, sigh, wipe the sides down... (Most of the time I really cannot be dealing with even making a cup of a tea whilst having to dodge the cheese.)

2. Living with all of my friends.

This is probably the last time I will live with every one of my close friends. Clothing crisis' are forever made easier by the amount of other wardrobes in the house, which definitely always make the 'I DON'T FIT INTO ANY OF MY CLOTHES' upsets slightly more bearable. Never being lonely for long is another reason, even if you do have a couple of minutes of this the next thing to do is knock on someone's door and belly flop onto their bed.

2. The overflowing bin.

A fundamental living at uni problem. I miss never ever miss seeing a bin that clearly needed changing about nine meals worth ago and is continuing to be a game of 'Who will put something in that actually falls out?'. The fact that it takes about 1 minute to pick up the black sack, tie it and open the back door just does not seem to happen. (Oh and yes I fall into the category too, just to make a stand.)

3. Freedom to pop out of with complete independence.

As a person who need my own space I love to do some things all by myself - clothes shopping, food shopping, gym classes, runs, visiting Mark's. I just need that disappearing thing, not needing to let everyone know my itinerary for the day and not having to report back to anyone. 

3. The Jenga pile of washing up.

Now I know some student houses probably have an amounting pile of dirty dishes, I find mine almost the opposite. Yes it is lovely that everyone washes up, but the clean pile that piles up is killer (especially for someone as clumsy as me!) 'Oooh good I have found that bowl I want' ...then proceeding to gently pull at the things on top of it... 'Shit... Who's Cath Kidson mug is this that I have smashed to tiny winy pieces all over the kitchen floor?'

4. Regular days off.

When I finish uni it will be all about alarms and long hours and most likely doing work at the weekends too. At the moment we have the luxury of at least two days off a week (yes I know I should really be in the library) in which we can go for impromptu drinks, meals, shopping or general chats in the kitchen.

4. Noisy, all night partying, neighbours. 

As much as I love a good party I'm a fourth year. Our neighbours are second years and seem to know every other loud person in the world. They must have also invested in the best speaker going (jealous of that I guess). 

5. The amount of constant girly goss after a night out.

The nights over and everyone has probably gone home at completely different times but nothing beats morning meet ups - usually on the stairs - as each hungover individual flops down on the carpet. Then confessing to the fall outs, the guys, the sleepovers and the money spent.

5. Lost property covering floors, stairs and radiators - predominantly underwear and clutch bags.

You're probably getting my tidy/clean OCD from my other points but yeah this reiterates. I guess it will be the same if I move in with Mark in September so it doesn't actually both me too much but I certainly will not miss it.

6. The constant distraction of doing uni work in my room by the amount of fun being had downstairs.

There is pretty much always something going on whether it's a involving tv or film night or chats in the kitchen. You're never alone and that is something that I really do love.

6. The constant distraction of doing uni work in my room by the amount of fun being had downstairs.

Same again! I'm easily distracted, so it always has to be library time to get any proper work done.

7. Regular 'sleepover' guests to the house.

Whether it is a boyfriend, a regular sleepover guest or someone very new.

7. The queue to use the washing machine and tumble dryer.

'Oh I definitely need that dress for tomorrow night.' Then head down to the kitchen to see that there are two washing baskets already lined up to take their turn. 

8. There is always someone to borrow/steal food from when you've run out.

This is one of my favourites. No milk? Splash someone elses. No salt and pepper? No spices? Run out of chips? No money for pre drinks? All always available. Fabby.

8. The over piling fridge.

Having one fridge for eight girls is not ideal. Especially when that means eight milks for the fridge door, impossible. 

9. Having a sink in my bedroom.

This one sounds weird and I was hating the idea myself before I moved in but it is perfect and I don't think I will ever have one this close again. Brushing my teeth to the film I've got on, making squash in the middle of the night, filling up my bedroom kettle at all times.

9. 'I'm going to the shop do you want anything?'

Probably could go in the positive side but no. I don't buy chocolate goodies in normally, just the avoid the temptation but all of that comes flooding back as soon as someone sounds those lethal words. 'Chocolate, biscuits and a cake please.'

10. All of the spontaneous, crazy, shot filled nights out.

One person fancies and drinks and all of a sudden we all do, sprinting upstairs to choose an outfit, shower, makeup and hair. Whatever the day of the week there is always an opportunity for a night out and uni and I love that.

10. All of the spontaneous, crazy nights outs - persuaded by FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

As much as I love the nights out there are always times when I'm not really feeling it or I am completely penniless. But nevertheless the fearing of missing out tempts me in and all of a sudden I'm getting ready too.

Four months left of university now, so really I should pay all my attention to the things I'll miss and then look forward to the things I won't in September when I most likely move in with Mark.

No. 3 

@8yearplan #eightyearplan 


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